DropBox – Online data storage

A work colleague showed me DropBox today, as they were saying they have work files spread between their desktop at home, and a laptop. Now, I haven’t used it yet, but DropBox seems to be a nice and easy way to set up a synced folder between multiple machines. The only issue I have with…

Theme Change

Just a quick note to say I’ve changed the theme of my site. I need to make a few minor changes which I will do shortly. Let me know what you think.

Google Sync for iPhone

Recently, a friend of mine with an iPhone lost all of their contacts because they stopped using MobileMe.  I’ve had an iPhone since they were first released here in Australia, and never had the need to use MobileMe.  They were using the free trial, and cancelled the account as they did not think the service…

Windows 7 Upgrade

Anyone who is considering upgrading to Windows 7, be aware that upgrading from a current Windows Operating System is very limited.  Only certain versions of Vista can be inline upgraded to Windows 7, the rest require a custom install, which means a clean installation. If you are staying with the same flavour of Windows, then…

Photo galleries added

I’ve added the NextGEN Gallery plugin today and have added a couple of photo galleries. Click on the Photos link at the top of the page to have a look.